Surprise Brownies (no, not THOSE!)

Surprise Brownies

I’ll start off by saying that I don’t cook.  I don’t bake.  It kinda terrifies me.  Still, adulthood has claimed me, and I’m forced to start learning and getting more confident in my skills… or lack thereof.  I once was the creator of a mystery meat sandwich that the dog wouldn’t even eat.  My sweet fiancé managed to swallow a couple bites before admitting he was no longer very hungry.  I even disintegrated scrambled eggs (yes, it’s possible).

So, when I find a recipe that I don’t think I can screw up too badly, I’m tempted to try.  This one came from Pinterest.  I must say that I was thrilled with the results (and so was everyone else!).  They were very yummy.  Probably very calorie-filled, but yummy.

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