Getting ready for a cover shoot!


Cover design by Angela Schiavone

I started my first novel, Metanoia, at the age of 17.  I published it in college and designed my own book cover.  Today, I use it in my speeches as an example of what NOT to do.  On its own, the cover is fine.  It has a good image and the title and author name are clearly visible (though they could be more-so).  Where the cover is found lacking is the promise it gives readers.  Metanoia is about adventure and has lots of sword-fighting and battle scenes.  So, as I’ve been promising, I’m doing a re-design.  This time around, I have a model ready to go as well as a pro photographer (James). Originally, I was just going to do an up-close shot of her face.  However, James pointed out to me that it’s best to have options – and options in this case mean costuming her to allow for wider shots.  At first, I was going to find something at Goodwill.  Then I started thinking.  If I went the cheap route, the result would be cheap looking.  I am a costume designer and seamstress.  I knew I could make the costume entirely, so I decided to just go for it.  I went to the store, got some fabric, and 2 and a half hours later had this.

Design and construction by Angela Schiavone

The sleeves are part of something I previously made (as is the quiver).  I still have some work to do (getting appropriate arrows, finding good gloves, etc), but what do you think?