Covenant Deception: Free in July!

CDcover2Yes, you read that right!

Starting July 1st, Covenant Deception will be free (yes, FREE) at Smashwords only.  The sale will go on for a full month.  I’m doing this to try to get my work in the hands of more readers and get (hopefully!) more good reviews.  I’d love it if you’d read and review!  A big part of a book’s success if word-of-mouth and reviews are a part of that.  Wish me luck!

Covers: What makes them good and bad. One result

I’ve been working on a speech/presentation for work that is on one of my favorite topics: covers!  It’s been really fun.  I’ve been looking through all kinds of covers to see which ones I like and which ones fall short.  In doing so, I started examining the specific elements on the good covers.  I can clearly see that I like this over the others, but why?  For my own cover below, I already had a beautiful photo taken by my fiancé, James Hannibal (, but what other elements worked or could be improved upon?  Well, I found a few elements, and one gave me an idea.  Well done covers have easy-to-read fonts, and a lot of them include a gradient on the font fill color.  So I thought, let’s try that out!  I took my cover for Covenant Deception, and added the gradient font.  What do you think?

CDcover2 CDcover1

Covenant Deception makes the top 100 chart for Apple Australia in the historical category!

Covenant Deception

I got quite a surprise today!  While looking for links regarding my book, I came across a website of Apple’s charts.  It appears that Covenant Deception has made the top 100 chart for Apple Australia in the historical category!  What a treat and surprise!

Covenant Deception

Covenant DeceptionIt took five years, but finally Covenant Deception is done.  Well, kinda.  See, one of the nice things about the world of self-publishing is that I can make updates and chagnes changes and updates at anytime.  So, while I can quickly change that typo, I can also decide that this chapter needs some tweaking and this character needs better development.  I’m in that stage now.  A good friend of mine is a reviewer, and he read the book.  He loved it and said it was great, but he had some very, very good feedback for me.  He said it would be the difference between “great” and “fantastic.”  Well, I can’t have “fantastic” dangled in front of me without reaching for it!  So, I’m making some tweaks.

I admit that I find it hard to make the transition between “promoter” to “writer” again.  My mother tells me that she never needed to have more children than just me (I’m an only child) because I had enough personalities to keep her completely occupied.  I find her assessment to be accurate.  There’s Author Angela, Work Angela, and that weird curly hair girl running around without shoes on.  All are equally me, but I find it difficult to combine them at times.  Now, I’m having that trouble with Writer Angela and Promoter Angela and now Blogging Angela.

Alas, the work continues, as does the work on the next book in the series!