Covers: What makes them good and bad. One result

I’ve been working on a speech/presentation for work that is on one of my favorite topics: covers!  It’s been really fun.  I’ve been looking through all kinds of covers to see which ones I like and which ones fall short.  In doing so, I started examining the specific elements on the good covers.  I can clearly see that I like this over the others, but why?  For my own cover below, I already had a beautiful photo taken by my fiancé, James Hannibal (, but what other elements worked or could be improved upon?  Well, I found a few elements, and one gave me an idea.  Well done covers have easy-to-read fonts, and a lot of them include a gradient on the font fill color.  So I thought, let’s try that out!  I took my cover for Covenant Deception, and added the gradient font.  What do you think?

CDcover2 CDcover1